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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

su:m 37 White Award Detox Mask

This mask hails from Korea and has very positive reviews on Amazon.  I purchased the individually packaged mask that is suppose to be the equivalent to a bottle.  

I have tried bubbling oxygen masks before this masks take to to a different level!  The liquid is clear but upon putting it on the face, it turns ash white and starts bubbling immediately.  

Directions: on clean face, put the liquid lotion all around the face, making sure to avoid eyes, nose, and mouth.  You can physically see the change within 1 sec.  The bubbling will continue until mask is done (around 20-30 minutes).   Wash off afterward.

The bubbling effect is very interesting and for a while you think the bubble foam will start dripping.  Luckily, nothing drips and what you have afterward is a very clean feeling.  Pores do seem to have tighten and even with one mask, the skin looks whiter.  I will just need to get used to all the bubbles!

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